FAQs Plantups


What is different about this green wall system?

The grid system is modular, trays easily attach, wick system works with many varieties of plants, inside or outdoors 

Why set the plants in the trays with wicks? 

Many, many varieties of plants are available in standard grow pots of 4" , 6" or 8" size. The wicks allow for easy watering and rotation as well as changing varieties with ease. The Reservoir-Wick system is specially designed to keep the plants above the water reservoir thereby inhibiting fungus, mold and rot yet allowing the plants to get water.

What are the wicks?

The “Magic” Caponic Sipper Wicks are made with environmentally friendly and durable Eco-Synthetic resin and are an important KEY to success. This Patented material precisely waters plants via Controlled Capillary Action to the plant root ball even if the plant soil is dry. The plant uses the water it needs and no more!

How large can I make my wall?

Additional grids can be added vertically and horizontally. The height has been used up to 20' and automatic irrigation can be designed for a custom wall. Call us for help with your project! we will be glad to assist.

Plantups Green Wall Plant Care Guide 2016

Congratulations on receiving your new Plantups Green Wall by Botanicus!

This basic plant care guide will help you grow a variety of indoor and outdoor plants. Botanicus installed the first version of the “Plantups” living green wall at Cornell University in April of 2015. Our goal was to test the system and monitor success and failure of an assortment of plants with various soils and grow pots options. This system has proven to work well. It is easy to install, easy to plant & easy to maintain a wide variety & different types of plants.   Flowers, herbs, vegetables to foliage, ferns and flowering bromeliads, orchids and basic philodendron vines, were tested in the system

Sipper Wicks:

The “Magic” Caponic Sipper Wicks are made with environmentally friendly and durable Eco-Synthetic resin and are an important KEY to success. This Patented material precisely waters plants via Controlled Capillary Action to the plant root ball even if the plant soil is dry. The plant uses the water it needs and no more! We recommend 2 wicks each plant, evenly spaced near the outside edge of the bottom of the pot. Insert pointy end first and it helps to hold down the top of the soil while inserting. The depth of the wick insertion can be adjusted to place the plant at the ideal height in the tray. Low foliage vining plants do well toward the top lip of the tray, so insert the wick less. Taller heavier plants fit better   lower in the tray for stability and display, so insert the wick deeper. The 2 wicks allow you to rotate the plants 180     degrees, half circle; periodically, as the plants phototroph toward the light, they can be flipped around to face down and then grow up again. The magic of the wicks is that the plant uses the amount of water it needs and if its neighbor needs more it can have more.

Watering Guideline:

The basic watering system is to completely fill each tray, usually from the top to the bottom. Fill the top tray until it starts to flow into the next tray. Then move down to the next tray and fill until it starts to drip into the tray below. The Bottom Tray is the Final Reservoir and has NO Drain Holes. Care should be taken not to over fill the bottom tray, by visually topping off the bottom few trays to correct water level. Sometimes the bottom tray is filled with less water, since it is usually has less light may use less water at the bottom of the wall. It is very important to allow the trays to dry completely and wait until the soil in the plant pot is partially dry as well. The Reservoir-Wick system is specially designed to keep the plants above the water reservoir thereby inhibiting fungus, mold and rot. Our Cornell green wall experiment was serviced on a 28 day schedule. Yes, the wall plants were dry after 28 days and happy to be filled with water again! We have grown water loving spathiphyllum next to Ficus Decora Tineke and both have thrived. Some larger walls     require the top half to be watered more frequently than the bottom or less water added to the trays in the bottom half. Single section Plantups can usually flourish with all the trays fully watered. Plants take about 6-8 weeks to acclimate to their new home. After the first watering, check weekly as water use will change as the plants become accustom to the new environmental factors of light, air movement, temperature and humidity and seasonal changes. The wicks can bring fertilizer to the plant when added to the water in the trays. Our available LED light will cover the area of one   Plantups Green Wall and we recommend leaving the light on a timer set to 12-14 hours a day.

Recommended Indoor plants

Dieffenbachia varieties
Dracaena Dragon series
Ficus Decora new varieties Burgundy, Ruby, Tineke
Homalomena varieties
Maranta varieties Burle Marx
Neoregelia varieties
Philodendron Varieties Brasil, Lemon, Moonlight, Autumn
Scindapsus Silver splash
Spathiphyllum varieties
Syngonium varieties

Recommended Outdoor plants

Any compact full perennial
Compact Flowering plants
Any container grown herbs or spices
Any container grown vegetables
Succulent varieties agave, aeonium, echeveria, and
rhipsalis, sedums, sempervivum

How long will the plants last?

Depending on the environmental conditions your plants can last a long time. Seasonal and flowering plants like bromeliads we have found last longer in flower with this wick system. Neoregelia have lasted up to 6 months in the Cornell  University wall.
